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Prodigy Page 7

  It explained so much. The relentless dreams and the sense he was in danger…

  Ana lifted herself onto her elbows and asked, “What’d you say?”

  Chance scanned the landscape around them to check every nook and cranny with his eagle-like vision. He jumped to his feet and held his hand out to her. “Nothing—just mumbling to myself. C’mon, let’s get out of the rain.”

  She stood and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, lifted herself onto her toes and gave him a kiss. Cold, wet drops plastered their faces and the rumble of thunder sounded over their heads. He grasped her hand in his and led her back up the stairs and out of the amphitheater. She threw the keys to him and he unlocked her door and helped her in. Rain dripped off the end of his nose while he stared into the rocky crevices of distant peaks. He jumped into the van, fired up the deafening engine and drove off. Ana was still buckling as she asked, “Where’s the fire?”

  It took a lot of self-control but he breathed out slowly and calmed himself down. He didn’t want her to know. She wouldn’t be able to do anything about it anyway. He was the only one who could protect her. With great effort, he forced a smile while slicking back his wet hair. “Aren’t you cold? We need towels and maybe a warm shower.”

  Ana seemed hesitant for a moment. She could always seem to tell when he was being deceitful but then she shrugged and wrung out her hair. He got them back to the bed and breakfast within five minutes and ushered her inside and up to their room. After he shut the door behind them, he flipped the lock and scoffed at himself. A lock won’t stop him.

  “Want the first shower?” He opened the bathroom door, flipped on the light and started running some hot water.

  “Sure. Let me grab a nightshirt first,” Ana called out from behind him.

  He scooted out of the way as she came into the tiny room and set her things down on the toilet seat. Chance shut the door behind him and waited a minute to ensure she was in the shower before he whipped out his phone and called the airline.

  They needed to leave as soon as possible. If Markus was still alive, he wasn’t going to wait long before trying to kill them again. And there was no way in his current state he could protect them without some help. He needed to find Balam.

  Chapter 12

  The sound of shuffling and a zipper brought Ana out of her deep sleep. A shadow fell across her face. She blinked and propped herself up on one elbow.

  “What’s going on?” she croaked and cleared her voice.

  Chance was standing over her with a guilty expression, the strap of his travel backpack in his hand. He was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt and his hair fell across his eyes in a way that made her stomach flutter.

  “Don’t be mad, but I’ve made some plans. We’re checking out. After breakfast we still have time to go by your mom’s friend’s place—then we’re off.”

  Ana rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up in bed. She pulled her hair out of its messy ponytail and shook it loose, aware of his eyes following her every move.

  “So are you going to tell me more about our plans? Or is it a surprise?”

  He leaned over, grabbed a pair of jeans from her backpack and tossed them over to her. “Sure, you could call it that. How about you get dressed? I’ll get your things together and we’ll head down for breakfast.”

  She yawned and stretched. Trying to work against him would be too tiring. She had learned he’d do whatever he wanted to, anyway. Her toes touched the floor and curled on the chilly surface. A cold draft went up her long nightshirt when she stood up and she bent over her bag.

  “Can I at least choose my own clothes?” She stuck her tongue out as she passed him, a bundle of clothing clutched against her chest.

  In the bathroom, she got ready as quickly as she could before sounds of movement outside the door drew her attention. He was getting anxious.

  When she came back out, she found her bag on her bed, opened and ready for the rest of her things. Chance had their room door propped open with his backpack. He sat with his arms back, in a clear attempt to appear casual on one of the beds, which had been haphazardly made.

  When her bag was ready, he offered to carry it and threw both packs over his shoulder. Chance poured down the flight of stairs like water sweeping through a river and set their things near the b-and-b’s front door. He waited and walked with her into the dining room where breakfast was waiting.

  Her stomach grumbled when she caught sight of the crepes and orange juice. After she’d had her fill and Chance had shoved the last crepe in his mouth, he stood and said, “Why don’t you call your mom’s friend while I settle up with Grace? Let her know we’re on our way.”

  He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. His warm breath and the sweet smell of strawberries mingled with his spicy scent completely filled her senses.

  Ana called Beth to let her know they were on their way. At the front door, before she could reach for her bag, Chance’s rugged hands beat her to it. “Why don’t you get the door?”

  “Grace sad to see you go?” Ana asked as they walked down the path from the bed and breakfast.

  Chance snorted and said, “I think after the amount of breakfast I ate over the last two days, she was happy to see me go.”

  He loaded their things in the van while she climbed behind the wheel. Ana turned on the ignition and surfed the radio stations, searching for one she liked. She watched him arrange their bags through the rear view mirror and noticed him searching around.

  “Lose something?” she asked between verses of a song she was humming.

  His head snapped up in surprise and his nostrils flared while he sniffed the air. “You smell that? Wasn’t sure if a fry escaped back here or something.”

  After scanning around the back and standing up on the bumper to search through the bench and under the table, he jumped down and gave her a wink.

  As Ana drove east, away from the mountains, excitement built as she wondered about Chance’s surprise. She smiled at him and noticed his strained expression. He got stressed over the smallest things, she thought.

  Green, grassy fields, touched with yellow, surrounded them as she exited the highway and onto a quiet road. She turned down a gravel driveway after ten minutes. A large metal shed stood alone against the stark landscape except for a navy Ford Explorer parked beside it. Ana pulled up next to the home, got out and scanned the property.

  Muffled barking echoed nearby and grew louder and louder. A yellow lab scrambled out from under the front porch and ran over to her. It stood on guard for a second until Ana called him closer. “Tricky! Hi, buddy! Come here.”

  The yellow lab lurched at her feet, wagging his tail, and rolled onto his back. Chance came around the van and said, “I wasn’t sure if I needed to protect you there for a second. Looks like the only danger you’re in is getting smothered by puppy love.”

  “This is Tricky, my best bud. The dog I never had.”

  Chance squatted down and held his hand out for the lab to smell. The dog paused in mid-wag and stared wide-eyed at him. Chance kept his eyes down and then a wet tongue licked his exposed arm, leaving a slimy trail.

  Ana cooed and said, “Aw, such a tough guy, Tricky!”

  “Ana, is that you?!” a woman’s voice called from behind the house.

  Chance stood up, trying to ignore Tricky, who was pressing his muzzle against his hand.

  Ana called out. “Beth?”

  A short woman with shoulder length blonde hair walked around the white building and pulled off a pair of work gloves. Arms outstretched, she embraced Ana and then turned to Chance with a grin on her face. She tucked some loose blonde hair behind her ear and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Beth. I can see Tricky has a new best friend.”

  Chance rubbed the drying dog saliva off his arm and extended his hand to her. “Hey, I’m Chance. Nice to meet you.”

  Beth led them to the house, talking all the while. “I’ve already heard a lot about you, Chance. Did Ana tel
l you I used to babysit her? Oh, and speaking of Ana…” She spun on her heel and reached for Ana’s hand before continuing. “I hear a miracle has occurred. When Mel told me the news, I did a little jig in the kitchen.”

  Ana laughed, and said, “Pretty great, isn’t it? Which is why I’m able to visit you now and go exploring instead of sitting in a hospital room. This is way better.”

  They went inside and sat at the kitchen table while Beth started a pot of coffee and asked Ana all about her mother and sister.

  While they talked, Ana noticed Chance checking the time and fidgeting with his phone.

  Ana decided to say something when Beth left to get her camera from the other room. “What’s up? What are the plans? We aren’t late for something, are we?”

  He drummed his fingers on the table and slid back in his chair. “Yeah, we need to get outta here and head to the airport in twenty minutes. We’re flying to Cancun.”


  Beth breezed back into the room. “What’s this about Cancun?”

  Ana stared open-mouthed at Chance.

  “Well, I thought, why drive down in your van when it sounds like it could blow a seal any day. Let’s just get down there and have some fun.” He stood up, walked around the table and held his hand out to Ana.

  Ana considered that her mother may have had something to do with it, but she didn’t care anymore. She thought about sitting beside Chance on a plane flying off to a place she had only dreamt of. Her heart sputtered in excitement. His hazel eyes stared down at her as he waited for an answer.

  “I’m game. Sounds like fun,” she said and accepted his outstretched hand to stand up. The tension slipped from his face and he beamed at her before giving her a kiss on the lips.

  “My, that does sound like fun. If you weren’t up for it, Ana, I was about to jump in,” Beth said, lifting her camera up and snapping a quick shot of them both.

  “Oh, but what about my van?” Ana stepped back with her hands on her hips.

  “We’ll just leave it in the airport lot.”

  “How long will you kids be gone for?” Beth asked.

  Chance and Ana met each other’s eyes and shrugged vaguely.

  “Well, I’m not about to let you waste your money like that. You can keep it here. I’ve got enough space. Plus, maybe I can lure your mom out for a visit. She can drive it back home for you.”

  Ana recognized the gleam in Beth’s eye. She was probably imagining a fun girl’s weekend, which would result in Melissa getting fixed up with ‘the perfect guy’. Beth always had some mischievous plan up her sleeve. Even if well-intentioned, it usually ended in apologies later.

  “Well, let’s take a couple more pictures for memory’s sake and we’ll load up my car and I’ll drop you kids off.”

  Being at the other end of a camera wasn’t Ana’s favorite thing so after a round of pictures, she strolled out to her bright yellow van and opened the hatch. Chance and Beth followed her over and soon they transferred all of their belongings to Beth’s Explorer.

  On the way to the airport, Ana called her mother to explain their new plans while Beth spoke up in the background. “Girls weekend coming up, Mel. Get ready for some fun!”

  “What is Beth talking about?” her mom asked on the other end of the line.

  “Beth wants you to fly out for some trouble and then drive the van home.” Ana smirked at their chauffer through the rear view mirror.

  “I suppose I could leave Eva with Tera,” Melissa said distractedly, then added, “Well, I’m glad you’re not driving all the way down to Mexico—thank Chance for me. I hope you have enough money for the trip. Let me know if you have an emergency. I’m still your mother. I worry. A lot. Please check in with me often and tell me when you’re coming home when you figure it out. Wear your sunscreen and most of all, have a great time, baby. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Mom. I’m so excited. It’s more than I ever could have asked for.” Ana stared directly at Chance. A wave of emotion overtook her and she ended the call abruptly and wiped her eyes with the edge of her shirt.

  With a healed heart, it felt as if the world had opened up to her and the possibilities were limitless. Out her window, she saw the tent-like white peaks of the airport in the distance and her heart fluttered with excitement.

  “We’re almost there, kids. Can you hide me in your bags and take me along?”

  Ana laughed and checked her carry on bag for her passport and identification. Satisfied she had everything, she reached for Chance’s hand and noticed him grow pale and glance in the back.

  “We should have everything.”

  His eyes darted back to her as he combed his fingers through his hair and nodded. “Right.”

  Chapter 13

  The engines roared and they lifted off the ground. Chance clutched Ana’s hand and fixed his attention on the glowing red ‘No smoking’ sign above his seat. He kept telling himself that as soon as they were safe in Mexico with Balam, he could relax. Although when he thought about Balam, he got even more anxious. What if I can’t find him? What if he’s dead? What if he doesn’t want to be found?

  Chance closed his eyes tight and attempted to push his fears away. He couldn’t afford to freak out over this. It was in his best interest to keep a clear head. How could he protect Ana if he was unprepared? He pulled a map from his blue backpack and laid it on his lap, pressing the seams down. The paper crinkled at his fingertips and he fixated on an area circled in black ink.

  Briefly glancing at his watch, he realized they would get to Cancun early in the evening, which wouldn’t provide enough time to get out to the ruins. They would have to find a hotel in the city and then find out about a tour for the following morning. It would have to do.

  “Whatcha looking at?” Ana rested her chin on his arm. The smell of her hair distracted him and he got caught in the light dancing off her green eyes.

  “Oh, um, I’m just figuring out the plan.”

  “I see. We aren’t driving off into a dark jungle tonight, are we?” she asked, frowning.

  “If you weren’t with me, yeah, I’d be tempted. But that wouldn’t be safe with you around.”

  She pushed back, folded her arms in front of her chest and rolled her eyes. “I’m not totally defenseless.”

  “Against me you are,” he said and kissed her jaw line until the edges of her lips curled up, despite her clear efforts not to have that happen.

  Through the entire flight, he attempted to relax. He closed his eyes and recalled the words his grandfather would use to calm him, knowing they would only temporarily dam the swell of nerves before they broke free. Around and around, thoughts tumbled in his mind like clothing in the wash cycle: Markus alive, swish, Balam and the unknown, twist, protect Ana from harm, writhe, the unexplained decrease in his powers, smack.

  Ana, as always, seemed aware of his emotional state as she placed her hand gently on his arm, remained quiet and allowed him space to meditate. When the gleaming ocean came into view out the window, Ana pressed her face against the Plexiglas. She smiled so wide that her eyes watered and a single tear fell.

  Her happiness cracked his rigid exterior and he wiped the tear from her cheek. While he stewed in his own emotions, Ana seemed to be living every moment like it was a gift.

  “I never thought I’d get to go to a place like this. Never thought I’d live to see it myself,” she murmured.

  “I’m glad we came here together.”

  Although, deep down, he wished he hadn’t brought her…

  They stepped outside into the sunlight and Ana stopped, closed her eyes and breathed in the warm tropical air. Chance brushed up against her arm as he walked up beside her.

  “Come on, let’s get a taxi.”

  No sooner had he spoken than a cluster of men approached with their arms outstretched, trying to guide them to their drivers. Chance walked forward and Ana scurried close behind and said to the men, “No, gracias.”

  “Ana, do you speak S
panish?” Chance stopped and stared at her.

  “Freshman through junior year with Mr. Blake. I know a little.”

  “Well, baby bird, time to fly. Negotiate a deal. Oh, and let them know we need a hotel.”

  Words jumbled in her mind. A sentence formed as she glanced to a man at her side. She grew more comfortable as she realized how eager the taxi drivers were to bridge the gap and make a sale and quickly negotiated a deal to be driven to a local hotel.

  Their bags were whisked away into the back of the vehicle and they were ushered inside with some other travelers. A couple from Germany and a family from De Moines filled the back seats.

  Before long, they were speeding on the highway and Ana’s stomach began to tumble in circles. Her light lunch on the flight was churning around now. She wasn’t sure how long she could hold off the terrible pain in her belly.

  Beside her, Chance stared out the window and observed the city around them. The driver dropped off the German couple at a small hotel on a busy street, and continued south of the city.

  The children’s excited voices rose from the back seat as they drove down a long road and through the jungle to emerge near the beach. The sky glowed indigo as the sun set behind the trees. A large hotel blocked the ocean view and the stomachache Ana had been battling subsided for a moment, only to be replaced with butterflies. The driver pulled up to the entrance and the family pushed past them with apologies.

  “This place looks nice. Should we see if they have a room for the night?” Ana asked Chance.